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Thursday, September 4, 2008

Child Welfare Society – CWS
Makwanpur, Hetauda

Child Welfare Society (CWS) is a non-profitable, non-governmental organization. From its established period (August 1991) it has been accomplished various activities to street child labour, orphan hazarder children like fundamental education, skill training, reintegration with their family, provided scholarship, establishment of reading library centre, advocated to aware community about child right, women right, human right, social transparency. CWS's main objectives are to solve communities' problem through above-mentioned activities.
In the days of beginning, CWS had done various child centred activities such as night short stay home, self-employment oriented trainings to street child who are suffering by peril stipulation.
Context of Makawanpur district CWS started social service from 1997, being more concentrated in child right through Child centred approach. Since starting period CWS has been implemented huge no. of program for child welfare collaboration with various district line agencies whether it is GOs, INGOs, and NGOs. Before implementation CWS always be careful about child rights especially in four points of CRC. Now a days CWS execute some program for child welfare like;
Return and reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups – CAAFAG program still running funded by UNICEF, Better Life Option - BLOP program for adolescences, Information, Education and Communication, IEC to women of rural areas for empowerment, Non-formal education class to worst form of child labour & children at risk, Early Childhood Development Centre, ECD for under 5 years age's children, Cancer awareness program for student & community.
  • VMGO of the Organization:
    Aware, Transparent, Self-reliance, Child Centred and sprite society.
    To protect and promote the Economic/Social/Gender right of the children, adolescence and women is our campaign.
    · To play role as a facilitator to promote child rights.
    · Promote to adolescence by self aware to social change.
    · Promote to over all development of women.
    · Play role as a facilitator to promote gender right


    To provide formal and non formal education, skill training to worst form of child labour, vulnerable children, Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups - CAAFAG and reunification children with their families.
    · Provide IGA and skills training to back ward communities.
    · Conduct Education, Health, Gender equity, Sanitation program.
    · Provide scholarship to poor, disable, intelligent, vulnerable children and associated with Armed forces and Armed Groups children.
    · Conduct Research, Advocacy, Training, Workshop, exposure visit etc.. program.
    · Construct child library, Entertainment Park, Game ground.
    · Conduct awareness program about child right, Women right, Human right and publish bulletin.
    · Cooperation and Coordination with GOs, INGOs and NGOs.
  • Focus Group:
    Organization working in various sectors like: worst form of child labor (Household servant, working in carpet factory, mines, porter, orphan, trafficked child) vulnerable children, street labor children, ultra poor families and their children, child right, women right, human right and also working to return and reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups – CAAFAG.
  • Focus Area:
    v Hetauda municipality especially those groups living areas whose have lack of shelter and food and low income rate.
    v Working in the overall of Makwanpur district for Return and reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups – CAAFAG program. And working in 26 no. of VDCs of Makwanpur i.e. Markhu, Fakhel, Sisneri, Tistung, Kulekhani, Ipa, Kogate, Budhichaur, Bhimphedi, Bhainse, Nibuwatar, Aambhanjyang, Sukaura, Gadhi, Thingan, Churiyamai, Padampokhari, Handikhola, Basamadi, Chhatiwan, Bajrabarahi, Agara, Gogane, Chitlang, Sarikhet, Manahari, Raksirang BLOP, IEC, NFE programs in different VDCs.
  • Trainings and workshop conducted by CWS:
    a) Saving & Credit training b) Auto repairing training c) Sewing & cutting training
    d) Adolescence education and child education e) Information, Education and Communication facilitator trainer training f) Basic survey of worst form of child labor training g) Box library training h) Better Life Option – BLOP facilitators facilitation training i) Child protection and reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups – CAAFAG training j) Psychosocial training k) Child right training
  • Programs implement by CWS:
    A) Adolescence education and child education program:
    To enroll in school to 10 -14 years aged of children who could not get opportunity for school. After reading 9 months informal education adolescents will enroll in the school. Organized awareness program in community about girl trafficking, HIV/AIDS, Adolescence procreation, psychosocial, sanitation, nutrition. Program lunched in Handikhola, Basamadi, Chhatiwan and Churiyamai VDCs program supported by World Education.
    B) Tin trunk library:
    Handover 21 no. of tin trunk library in community and school for making continuity in study of 9 months informal education graduated children of Churiyamai, Handikhola and Chhatiwan.
    C) Early Child Development Center – ECD:
    CWS is implementing early child development centere for 3 -5 years aged of children. Now 5 no. of centers are running within Handikhola VDC & Basamadi VDC. 72 no. of boys and 69 no. of girls in total 141 no. of children are participating in ECD centers. Program supported by District Education Office, Makwanpur.
    D) Three years informal primary education :
    CWS has been implementing three years informal primary education for child labor aged of 6 – 14 years old since April 2005. Program is implementing in the Heatuda municipality, Churiyamai VDC and Padampokhari VDC. 5 no. of centers are running, where 33 no. of girls and 68 no. of boys in total 101 no. of children are reading. Program supported by District Education Office, Makwanpur.
    E) Information, Education and Communication – IEC Program:
    IEC program is supported by Plan Nepal Makwanpur, running in 12 VDCs i.e. Ipa, Kogate, Budhichaur, bhimphedi, bhainse, Nibuwatar, Aambhanjyang, Sukaura, Gadhi, Thingan, Churiyamai and Padampokhari. Through IEC program raise awareness of women about critical issues and livelihood of 292 no. of small women groups using by folders. Mainly discuss in critical issues like child right, early marriage, constitutional right of women and gender equity.
    F) Eradication of worst form of child labor and poverty alleviation program:
    Provide rickshaw as a hire in cheap rate @ NRs. 500.00 per month of each rickshaw to 5 families who have not other sources of income. By the income of rickshaw they enrolled children in schools, some families have able to purchase own rickshaw, land and home also.
    G) Women saving and credit program:
    Since 1998 CWS has formed women saving and credit group in Makwanpur district. 15 - 20 no. of members are affiliated in each group. Saving rate is different among the groups. Saving rate is @ NRs. 20 – 100. Each group has saved NRs. 50,0 00.00 to NRs. 2,00,000.00. Due to group saving women could got loan in minimum interest rate. Up to now 18 no. of groups are active where 271 no. of women benefited.
    H) Cancer awareness program:
    CWS has been conducting cancer awareness program in the various community and school. Students and community people could knew about causes of cancer, prevention, treatment system etc.. Program supported by NNCTR/INCTR Banepa.
    I) Better Life Option – BLOP Program:
    CWS has implemented BLOP Program in 12 no. of VDCs i.e. Ipa, Kogate, Budhichaur, bhimphedi, bhainse, Nibuwatar, Aambhanjyang, Sukaura, Gadhi, Thingan, Churiyamai and Padampokhari for 11 – 19 years of aged adolescence till 2007 and 542 no. of boys and 1404 no. girls in total 1946 no. of adolescence have benefited through BLOP program. From 2008 CWS will do supervision and follow up of centers.
    BLOP provides a unique opportunity to break a number of vicious, intergenerational cycles, such as gender discrimination, violence, human trafficking, and poverty, unsafe and unwanted sex. Therefore, providing adolescents increases their capabilities to avoid or overcome many of the problems they are likely to encounter in the community they grow.
    J) Return and reintegration of Children Associated with Armed Forces and Armed Groups – CAAFAG Program:
    CWS is working in overall Makwanpur district to reintegrate under 18 years aged of children in their community who were associated with armed forces and armed groups before peace agreement on 21st Nov. 2006. However children are living in their community but they could not reintegrated they have various problem some children could not re – enrolled in school, some children crossed age to re –enrolled in the school, due to past experience of conflict and long time leaving family, home and community they have psychosocial problem. Program will support to reduce their personal problem and encourage towards being self esteem and secure future. Reintegration program will support to vulnerable children cantonment return children.
    The program will participate in the return and reintegration of children associated with armed forces and armed groups in Nepal, reduce psychosocial consequences to prepare children to resume an active and constructive role in their family, community and country development, and will prevent further recruitment and use of children.
  • Activities:
    To support associated children first of all should be identify total numbers of children within Makwanpur district. Community sensitization program and door to door visit program support to identification of associated children.
    After identification of associated children actually which kind of support they have need. To determine their necessary should done assessment of children in personal level, family level, school level, community level and others existing structural level.
    From assessment determined need of children and provides support as an assessment result in following sectors:
    1) Formal education 2) Informal education
    3) Skill training 4) Apprenticeship training
    5) Income Generate Activities - IGA
    If children have psychosocial problem, before providing reintegration package children support to reduce their psychosocial problems.
    To enhance quality of local structures program will support to structures, where children enroll school, training center etc.. Similarly to make active and creative to CBOs program will support for organize social activities and structural support.

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